Thursday, April 9, 2009

Finally, its over. 3 days of hell are over. And with friday being a holiday and all, i can finally take a break.

Tomorrow. Or rather, today, will be pretty slack. I reckon. Just half a day of shit, and then its back to bed. Secret rooms in camp are good to sleep in. Everyone serving the force should find a few rooms like those, with aircon, sofa sets, televisions and the like.

And so, i'm glad these tedious little time wasting activities are few and far in between. Well, not exactly few, but theres enough of time in between to recover from them. Which beats running around in the jungles of singapore, feeding blood sucking insects and eating food with sandy hands.

And so, now i have time to meet up with my beloved girlfriend and all is well.

In a little bit of a bind here.

Seriously want a skyline, and i want to afford one. Can't afford one now. I spent foolishly and lost sight of my goals for the near future. I hereby declare that i will save another 600$ minimum before i fly for australia.

Spending money. I guess i have to watch what i eat for these few months, 2$ wanton mee anyone? =D

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