Monday, May 5, 2008

Previously. It was random ramblings. Now, its actually rather hard to string together coherent thoughts due to the fact that there are about 6 people talking to me on msn. Swamped i tell you. Swamped.

Without straying off the topic like i usually do, i shall now embark on commenting about some scenes i noticed which exiting and entering Singapore.

As we all know, to go on a holiday, or rather exit the country on either an airplane, or a ferry, one must endure a process commonly known as, immigration clearance. This immigration clearance involves queueing up, and letting the stoic faced guy at the counter stamp on your passports.

In singapore, and some other countries i reckon, you just scan your passport, and poof! you're through. But, you still have to queue.

Its not the scanning or the stamping that gets to me. Its how, some oldies, just cut in the queue in front of you. And act like its their right to do so.

Upon reaching the scanning machine, they suddenly realise. They don't know how to use the thing, in spite of instructions being available. Not words, but video. I'm being spiteful. I know.

And, despite all the self righteousness seething from the ang mohs, they're just about as kiasu as a regular singaporean. To board the ferry, they jostling with the so called uncouth asians too. And they too, let their unruly kids run around the ferry, and cry uncontrollably. The only difference between their kids, and ours?

Their kids might grow up to shoot everyone in their school.

In case, some mal-informed richie seeks to judge me again, i hereby declare, that i'm writing everything in jest. If you're offended, go someplace else.

Rural, rustic places are good. Well, sometimes.

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