Sunday, April 11, 2010

Street trash.

You've got litter on the streets such as cans and paper/plastic bags and wrappers and other unwanted refuse that people discard. And that includes people.

There are 4 or 5 homeless people that come by my workplace, out of that 4 or 5, 1 is an asshole. He never has cash for anything, and he expects to be given food for free. He hasn't come around for awhile now, which is a good thing, since i always have to suppress the urge to bash his cocky debt ridden face in. The other homeless that come by can, surprisingly, pay for their shit.

Then now there are the tiprats and skanks that prowl the area. Youing girls around 15 or 16 pretending to be stranded and asking for money to go home, or begging for drinks citing thirst but refusing water. Its weird isnt it, that they can afford cigarettes but cannot afford to go home.

And finally, the bogan male, the counterpart of the tiprat, acting like punks, probably hiding a blade and generally causing trouble. Someone ought to beat the shit out of them, but i'm no kick-ass, so i'll leave that to someone else.

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